Lower Mekong fish production estimated to be worth up to $7 bln a year

Production from freshwater capture fisheries and aquaculture in the Lower Mekong Basin is estimated to be worth up to $7 billion a year, the Mekong River Commission says. … The newsletter said total first-sale value was estimated at $3.9 to $7.0 billion per year. … “Over the past decade, fisheries has sometimes accounted for as much as 12 percent of Cambodia’s GDP and 7 percent of Lao GDP. Although proportionally less important, the Mekong fishery sectors in Thailand and Viet Nam add well over $750 million to the economies of each country annually.” … At the same time, “the Tonle Sap Basin has the highest freshwater fish biodiversity in the world after the East African lakes. It has an estimated 296 species (which compares with estimates of 438 in Lake Malawi, 316 in Lake Tanganyika and 225 in Lake Victoria).” …

The Cambodia Herald News Staff